I have discovered in my Feng Shui journey that I have a real passion for helping children. Bringing Feng Shui to their spaces at home and in the classroom. I created feng shui for classrooms .com to be able to have a forum to bring Feng Shui (intentional design) to parents, teachers and other people involved with the education and care of the children that are our future.
I have been very disturbed by the dropout rates, news and general quality of the education that it is being reported. I have seen good news that the dropout rate is dropping which is great. Good work to those that had a hand in changing the direction of our children’s education. I myself have seen the educational system not live up to the standards necessary to see a brighter future for our kids. I do not pretend to know all the details in what has been happening other than seeing my own family and the research that I have done, but you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that things need to change. I would like to be a part of the solution … Utilizing my expertise as a practitioner of Feng Shui.
The most important place for their learning is the classroom, which they spend many hours in daily. I can bring a new perspective to the design of the classroom that will promote learning, socialization and general success to the students. Feng Shui not only works in the home, it works anywhere. The principles can be easily applied with some time, effort and budget. It would make me very happy to be a part of making that happen. Bringing an innovative concept to the educational learning environment. I have written an article about Feng Shui for Classrooms. Click here to go to fengshuiforclassrooms.com
I am available for consultation 562-502-7887 or harmonizingme@gmail.com